All HyperSprings are completely out of stock globally. We will have more around April. Click here to start learning tricks with our video courses in the meantime!
In this post I'll explain why HyperSprings may dangle at different lengths, how that will affect they way they move for tricks, and why and how you may wish to adjust that by breaking off a few coils. First, it's important to understand what the spring constant is.
Most of you (if you grew up in an English-speaking country) also know the delightfully floppy toy spring that walks down stairs as a "slinky".
However, Slinky® is actually a registered trademark and a particular brand of toy, despite the fact that most English speakers use the word to refer to any toy spring, regardless of brand.
If you were bored on the internet in late 2017, you might have seen this short clip of an Asian dude mesmerizing some children with a slinky.
In the video below, XiaTian tells you his origin story of how he got into slinky manipulation, and even gives you a really quick 3 trick tutorial.
If you've ever owned a slinky, you eventually got it hopelessly tangled and threw it away. This was basically a law of the universe... until now.
In this article, you'll learn the 3 methods that will allow you to quickly and easily untangle even the tangliest of slinky tangles.